All Native Group (ANG) celebrated a record-performing 2021 year with an Operations End of the Year Awards Ceremony on June 9, 2022, in Fairfax, VA. ANG Vice President of Operations, Janet A. Simmons, orchestrated and hosted its first formal awards ceremony acknowledging and recognizing those ANG business lines, leaders, and programs that performed exceptionally in 2021.
“This past year, All Native Group, had one of the most successful years ever. Yes, we know that Operations was key in our success, but we also had the support of the many departments that bring their expertise to support our programs, customers, and most importantly, our employees,” stated Mrs. Simmons.
Kicking off the ceremony with a beautiful vocal rendition of the National Anthem was Tomesha Thompson, OBO program.
ANG Chief Operating Officer, Heath Rist, opened with remarks and appreciation for the employees and their tireless contributions. Additionally, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Ho-Chunk, Inc., Annette Hamilton, offered appreciation and congratulations for the accomplishments.
Awards Presented:
- 2021 ANG Operations Business Line of the Year – Department of State/Federal Government Agencies Business Line (Brett Hysinger, Division Director)
- Best Overall Program 2021 (Over $120M) – FASTC (Mike Vannoy, Program Director)
- Best Overall Program 2021 (Under $12M) – Fort Belvoir (Michael Borrelli, Division Director)
- Highest Organic Growth 2021 (Program) – TWD (Jerry Perry, Program Director)
- Highest Organic Growth 2021 (Leader) – Brett Hysinger, Division Director
- Top Revenue Producing Program 2021 – FASTC (Mike Vannoy, Program Director)
- Top Profit Producing Program (2021) – OBO Program (John Rippel, Program Director)
- Lowest Turnover Rate 2021 (Business Line) – Department of Defense (Michael Borrelli, Division Director)
- Top Customer Engagement (Business Line) – Department of State/Federal Government Agencies Business Line (Brett Hysinger, Division Director)
- Top Employee Engagement (Business Line) – Department of Defense (Michael Borrelli, Division Director)
- Rookie of the Year (Leader) – Dawn Morgan, Division Director
- Silent Warrior Award – Talesha Burke, Executive Assistant and Octavia White, Management Analyst
- Quality Management Award of Excellence – Chelsea Gatewood, Quality Control Manager and Edna Guevara, Program Management Coordinator

Special awards of appreciation were given to Heath Rist and Annette Hamilton for their continued support and leadership playing a critical role in ANG’s operational success.
The Operations team also presented Janet Simmons a gift of appreciation for her exceptional leadership and for her thoughtful recognition arranging the awards ceremony to celebrate the employees and the great work done by the amazing ANG Operations team.
The last awards were given to the following department leaders and their teams in recognition of the invaluable support they bring to ANG Operations. They are:
- Isaac Fawehinmi – VP of Accounting and Finance
- Tony Gupton – VP of Human Resources (Recruiting and Security)
- Chris Phann – Director of Contracts
Congratulations to all award recipients and we look forward to another record-breaking year of success!